Sunday, February 28, 2010

Micro organism factors cause pain

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Micro-organism variety of vegetable and animal pathogens have been known to cause disease affecting animals or humans, which causes much  sick  pets or animal. Micro organism in the animals are classified into several major groups, among others:

a. Virus
Viruses are the smallest group of structures consisting of a protein that enveloped nekleat acid, and has the ability to infect animals and plants. This micro-organism mostly can only be seen under the electron microscope with the power of viruses can be high filtered. Suspension with a very fine sieve with a variety of sizes saringan.besar eyes viruses can be estimated in accordance with the escape from reality saringan.virus can be transmitted by insects such kind culicoides spp. , through direct contact, through air or other intermediaries.

Several types of viruses can survive in the natural atmosphere of a relatively long time, for example, food and mouth disease (FMD) that can survive drought in 3 years. African Horse Sickness virus can survive in the rotting carcass in a few weeks. Viruses are generally resistant freezing cold temperatures, but rapidly die in hot temperatures.

b. Bacteria
This micro-organism usually found living in nature and most are saprofitik, such as life in the plant or dead animals. Some bacteria tend to live in the carcass of animals and cause decay. Pathogenic bacteria that live in the body and there caused harmful interference or pain, but some are not harmful and can even help the organs of the body to perform its function.

Which classify the type of bacteria is a single cell organism renik from the plant kingdom which can only be seen with a microscope. The occurs asexually by splitting the self and breed rapidly. Bacteria can be shaped or oval bull who called kokus; rod-shaped bacillus called berbertuk elongated and resembles a spiral called spirila. This micro-organism can exist singly, in pairs or in groups to construct a formation menciri its kind.

The bacteria produce toxins that are classified into the exotoxin and endotoxins. Exotoxin produced by bacteria and toxins resin which generally causes disease such as circulating in the blood vessels, while endotoxins are generally not pathogens.

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