Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fever Occurrence Process

Thursday, March 11, 2010

We all have what is called a fever. When we feel pain our bodies do not often immediately experience symptoms of fever that generally begins with a cold feeling of the whole body, followed also by an increase in body temperature. What is called this fever? Fever or in medical language is called a febrile condition in which an increase in body temperature, where the temperature exceeds the normal body temperature. Why does our body temperature rise? Should we try to look back and understand about the body's temperature regulation system before we answer the questions above.

Our body temperature regulated by a thermostat machine located in the brain, exactly at the location of hypothalamic pre-optic anterior in part. The hypothalamus itself is a part of deinsephalon which is part of our front brain (prosencephalon). Hipotalamusdapat said to be a body temperature control machines, because there are receptors (catcher, intermediaries) which is very sensitive to temperature which is known as termoreseptor. With this termoreceptor, body temperature can be in the normal range is in accordance with the core body temperature. Core body temperature is a reflection of the heat content in our body. Heat content of the heat obtained from the income derived from the metabolism of food into the body. In general, the core temperature is within limits 36,5-37,5 ° C.

In many everyday activities, our bodies would also like put out hot when you exercise. While there put out greater heat than its revenues, or vice versa so that the body's thermostat will immediately work to balance the body's core temperature. If income is greater than the heat expenditure, then the thermostat will command our body to release excess body heat to the outside of one's body by sweating mechanism. And if expenses exceed revenues hot heat, the thermostat will attempt to balance the temperature in a manner ordered the muscles of our framework to contract (move) in order to produce body heat.

Muscle contraction this framework is the mechanism of shivering. For example, like when we were in the mountainous environment of cold weather, we unknowingly hands and our feet tremors (shivering). This meant that our bodies stay warm. Because with that shiver, your body will produce heat. This above is a physiological process (normal conditions) that occur in our bodies when we experience changes in body temperature. Others as if the body is going through the pain. The process of change in temperature which occurs when the body in better condition due to illness toksis substances (poisons) that enter the body. Generally the condition is due to ill inflammation process (inflammation) in the body. Inflammatory process itself is actually the body's defense mechanism against any attack that threatens the physiological condition of the body.

The process begins with the entry of inflammatory toxins into our bodies. Examples of toxins that are easiest microorganisms cause illness. Microorganisms that enter the body of a substance generally has a toxin / poison is known as a specific exogenous pyrogens. With the entry of these microorganisms, the body will try to fight and prevent it is by ordering the defense forces of the body such as leukocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes to eat it. This process is called fagositosit. With this fagositosit process, the soldiers would be mengelurkan body of chemical weapons are known as endogenous pyrogen (particularly interleukin 1 / IL-1) which functions as anti-infective. Endogenous pyrogens, the next will stimulate endothelial cells of the hypothalamus (hypothalamic constituent cells) to release a substance that is arakhidonat acid. Arakhidonat acid can exit with the help of the enzyme phospholipase A2. The next process is, arakhidonat acid released by the hypothalamus will be hyper expenditure prostaglandin (PGE2). Prostaglandins any expenses with the help and intervention from siklooksigenase enzyme (COX). Prostaglandins was spending will affect the hypothalamic thermostat. As compensation, the hypothalamus will further enhance the standard point of body temperature (above the normal temperature).

Patakan point increase is due to the machine feel that now body temperature below normal limits. Result is a cold response / shiver. The existence of this process is intended for chills generate body heat more. The change of body temperature above normal because the hypothalamus settings impaired by the above mechanism is called a fever or febrile. High fever that will eventually lead to clinical manifestations (due to) a trench (typically experienced by infants or children are called febrile seizures) By understanding the mechanism of fever above process, then one treatment actions that we often do is compress the head and fever medications, the most common is paracetamol.

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