Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rabies Threatening Your Life

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rabies is a disease caused by the lyssa virus from the group Rabdo viridae. This disease is very dangerous and can cause death in pets. Rabies can attack warm-blooded animals such as dogs, cats, monkeys and other warm-blooded animals.

Rabies is a zoonotic disease, in which the disease can be transmitted from animals to humans. Humans are bitten by an infected animal rabies disease, very high death rate. This is due to the virus will attack the nerves and causes paralysis of the nerve that also lead to paralysis and spasms in the limbs of the body.

In the cases occurred in the field of rabies infected animals generally occurs in wild animals, although sometimes occurs also in animals that are proprietary to obtain less care, so contact with infected wild dog rabies and are not routinely vaccinated.

Animals infected with rabies, especially dogs generally show symptoms such as:

    * Excessive Saliva out because of difficulty in swallowing
    * Not to obey their owners animals , become malignant and invasive
    * Hidrophobia (fear of water)
    * Cripple and will then cramp and ends with death
    * Death usually occurs after 4-7 days of symptoms or a maximum of 14 days after the case

Prevention can be done to avoid that animal is not infected with rabies vaccinations and routine health check periodically to the vet. Such action may avoid the possibility of contracting rabies.

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