Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Common understanding of animal pain is any deviation from the normal conditions. More specific meaning, animal pain is a condition caused by an individual's life or by other cause, whether known or not, the adverse animal health in question, from this understanding , so that sick animals can be caused by several factors such as mechanical factors, thermal, nutritional deficiencies, chemical influences, heredity and so forth.

1. Mechanical factors
Mechanical factors that cause the body functions or diseases include incision, stab, punch, scratch, bruise, broken bones and so on. The level of dysfunction depends on the animal's body the size of the damages and the vitality of the damaged tissue. An animal will bleed if cut or injury occurs puncture by sharp objects. As a result of mechanical disruption can vary from minor damage that can be ignored until a serious injury that can cause death.

2. Thermal factors
Heat or excessive cold when exposed to animals would cause damage to a fast and capable of causing the death of the animal tissue. The situation is hot or cold-related situations or termis.panas cold Terken a great if the animal's body parts can cause severe burns or with cold (frost bite) at the point of tangency and its surroundings. Severity of damage and can be repaired or not depends on the degree of heat or cold that struck the animal. Extensive network of infected animals, and vital network functions whether or not these animals.
Hot or cold tolerance within the body will cause minor damage, and may still be restored after the factors eliminated. If the thermal effects that hit the animal is great, then the damage will occur suddenly and death of cells or tissue tend not recoverable again.

3. Toxic Factors
Malfunctioning of the body can occur due to the influence of the nature of chemical toxins capable of causing damage and cause degeneration or necrosis. Severity of damage is influenced by the chemical nature of the poison itself, the ability of toxin in causing cell damage or degeneration, the number of toxins that enter the bodies of animals, and animals in the body's ability to neutralize the influence of toxins in the body.

4. Nutritional factors
Defesiensi or nutritional deficiencies will occur if the animals do not get the nutrition elements essential for a normal life like protein, hidrad charcoal, fat, minerals, and vitamins. In ruminant animals there are different types of vegetable micro-organism or animal in the stomach that helps the body to form the various elements such as the changing needs of non-protein nitrogen into crude protein and alter the material easily digestible.

5. micro organism Factors
Micro-organism variety of vegetable and animal pathogens has been known as a cause of disease affecting animals or humans, which causes sick animals.

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