Saturday, February 27, 2010

Introduction About Animal Health

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Health status of animals is an animal's body condition with all the cells that make up and body fluids that contain the normal physiological function. Cell damage may occur as normal as a result of the dynamic process of growth for survival, resulting in replacement of damaged cells or death of healthy animals. On the other, the damage might not have change for the animals who suffered disruption due to disease or other disorders that damage cells and tissue function.

For tropical countries like Indonesia, the weather is hot, very dry or very humid affect the health status of animals. Variations of climate change will greatly affect the fluctuation of the disease prevalence rates in certain conditions can reach a very high intensity, or vice versa can also place the lowest intensity, perhaps even disappear altogether. When the temperature and humidity is very high, the prevalence of the disease can grow and increase until the animal health situation is untenable balance. 

Such circumstances at least two possible causes, the first possibility renik organisms survive and multiply as much as possible in the atmosphere that exists and is not affected by weather changes. The second possibility is that the environment has adverse effects on the animal itself.

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